Monday, 18 January 2016

Around Sale.

I have not been doing very much birding lately, family commitments. Managed to get up early last Saturday and went for a walk  around Guyatt Reserve and Lake Guyatt.
The Kookaburras at Guyatt Reserve were plentiful, parents and their young.The Golden Whistlers were calling and managed to get a couple of photos of a Crested Shrike Tit.
Lake Guyatt produced its normal array of species all lounging on the small mud flats, and the Mistletoe birds were busy along flooding creek.
 Butcher Bird.
 Female Mistletoe Bird.

 This Male Mistletoe Bird was very high in the tree and would not sit still. same with the one below.

 Golden Whistler.
Crested Shrike Tit.
