Saturday, 14 November 2015

Orchids of Nangara Reserve.

The Heyfield birdo's latest outing was to Nangara Reserve north of Drouin. The birds were quiet at times; but we did see a few species. Golden Whistlers, Brown Gerygone, King Parrots, Crimson Rosellas.
Orchids had been seen on one part of the track in the past so we were on the look out. In all we found three species and five varieties. Lady Finger orchid, Bearded orchid and Sun orchid.
Red Bearded-orchid. ( Calochilus paludosus R. Br.)

Purple Bearded-orchid. (Calochilus robertsonii Benth)

Blue Star Sun-orchid. (Thelymitra holmesii)

Peppertop Sun-orchid.(Thelymitra brevifolia)

Pink Lady finger orchid (Caladenia carnea).

Bird photos to follow in next blog.
