On Sunday I took my wife for a drive down to White Women's Waterhole, situated between Woodside and Wonwron, a very nice picnic area with plenty of tables. Since my last visit a new toilet block has been built, new signage; and a new track cut through the bush. We were only out of the car a few minutes when a pair of Scarlet Robins arrived, the male being very elusive; but the female came up to the table we were sitting at, too close for my lens to focus.
Then before we set off into the bush an Eastern Yellow Robin came by, one of many we saw during the day.
We then set off into the bush, the birds were rather scarce, only seeing a pair of White Eared honeyeaters; but there were some native plants flowering the first being a Correa, the next two I will have to refer to my mate Gouldiae for the names.
We then ventured onto Port Albert. Unfortunately the tide was right in, so the were no wading birds; but some Pacific Gulls were flying and sitting no doubt on their favourite post.
After a cup of coffee and cake we headed back to Sale having had a very successful day.